Transgender women face significant obstacles when seeking help for addiction. These obstacles can make it harder to find any form of treatment at all. They can also make it harder to get the additional support often needed by trans women. For these reasons, readily available addiction recovery resources are of crucial benefit. Resources of this type may take a variety of forms.
Why Addiction Resources for Trans Women Are So Important
If you’re a transgender woman, you have elevated risks for both alcohol and drug problems. These risks are most pronounced for drug-related disorders, including those involving cocaine, opioids, and cannabis. However, trans women also have a higher-than-average level of exposure to alcohol use disorder.
As a trans woman, you may have multiple reasons for abusing drugs or alcohol. In addition to the issues common among all people, you may be motivated by things that include:
- Rejection by your family members or other loved ones
- The everyday pressures of living in a largely transphobic culture
- Common social misperceptions of life as a transgender person
Anyone affected by severe abuse or addiction requires treatment that meets their specific needs. That’s just as true for trans women as for any other member of society. The high rate of addiction in transgender communities creates an even greater burden. Ready access to appropriate recovery resources is essential to providing suitable relief.
Trans Women and Addiction Resources – Barriers to Treatment
The things that help motivate substance abuse in trans communities may also function as barriers to treatment. For example, family rejection may cut you off from needed financial support. It may also make it harder for you to develop a support network in recovery.
Discrimination can lead to a lack of emphasis on the needs of transgender people in general. It can also lead to a specific lack of focus on trans women’s needs in addiction treatment. Common misperceptions about trans people can have similar effects. In addition, many trans women affected by addiction are low-income. This lack of financial resources can further restrict access to proper treatment.
Trans Women and Resources for Addiction – Common Needs
What are the most essential addiction resources for trans women? The greatest need is for modern treatment that meets today’s standards. As a rule, that means evidence-based medication and therapy backed by scientific research. It also means customized treatment plans for each person.
The average trans woman also needs additional recovery resources. Examples of these resources may include:
- Additional help for trauma or other underlying issues
- A treatment environment that’s free from transphobic attitudes
- An inclusive approach that actively supports trans women
In addition, trans women may also need help for mental health issues other than addiction. Unfortunately, such issues are common. They often include depression or anxiety disorders. They also frequently include eating disorders.
If you’re affected by one of these illnesses, your path to addiction recovery is more complicated. Why? Treatment for addiction alone is not enough. You also need coordinated treatment for the other illness affecting you.
Learn More About Trans Women and Addiction Resources at Women’s Recovery
Need more information on trans women and resources for addiction? Women’s Recovery can help. We’re keenly aware of the many barriers to suitable treatment. We’re just as aware of the importance of breaking these barriers.
Women’s Recovery provides women-focused addiction treatment and resources. That includes inclusive care for trans women. We also feature combined treatment for addiction and mental illness. Want to learn more? Just call us today at 833.754.0554. We’ll be happy to answer your questions about our available services. You can also reach us online through our brief information form.