image of crowded urban crosswalk at sunset indicating that cocaine is making a comeback among women

Cocaine: The Killer Comeback of an 80’s Drug

America came to know cocaine addiction and abuse intimately in the 1980s. While there are limited medical uses for cocaine, it was portrayed in popular media as a party drug or as a means of staying productive for long hours in competitive industries. It was equally popular with women and men, and that popularity contributed…

therapist explaining to female client why blacking out from alcohol as a female is dangerous

Why Blacking Out from Alcohol as a Female Is Dangerous

When you seek women’s alcohol addiction treatment, you gain access to a wide range of gender-specific health benefits. Many of these benefits center on the relief of your alcoholism symptoms. However, effective treatment can also protect you from other forms of drinking-related harm. One such harm is consuming enough alcohol to experience a blackout. For…

two women seated on couch in a home discuss their experiences at a behavioral health daily treatment program for women

Women’s Daily Treatment Program

At Women’s Recovery, we understand that women have unique experiences and needs. In our women’s daily treatment program, we strive to provide a safe and supportive environment where women can heal and recover from substance use and trauma. Our women’s daily treatment services in Colorado are designed to provide intensive support and therapy for women…
