young woman seated on couch deep in thought as she ponders what stops people from getting mental health treatment.

What Stops People from Getting Mental Health Treatment?

Mental health issues are becoming better understood and accepted in American society. Most people have some experience with mental health issues or knowledge of a friend or family member who is dealing with them. With greater acceptance and various treatment options ranging from therapy and life coaching to rehabilitation and medication, you would expect people…

woman holding up paper cutouts of a green smiley face and red frowning face as a way of asking what are the bipolar symptoms in women

What Are the Bipolar Symptoms in Women?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings, including episodes of mania (elevated mood) and depression (low mood). This disorder affects approximately 3% of the adult population in the United States, with women being equally likely to develop bipolar disorder as men. However, bipolar symptoms in women can manifest differently than…

young woman looking at camera with worried expression wondering what is trauma-informed care?

What Is Trauma-Informed Care?

What is trauma-informed care? It is a form of care that recognizes the presence of trauma symptoms and their role in shaping an individual’s life after a trauma. Understanding trauma and its treatment is easier when looking at trauma-informed care examples, goals, and outcomes. These examples and the best treatment outcomes form the basis of…

a woman holds her head after researching effects of gabapentin and opioids

The Dangers of Combining Gabapentin and Opioids

Opioid addiction is a serious problem that has recently affected many people in the U.S. The opioid crisis has claimed the lives of thousands of people across the country and many more struggle with addiction. Unfortunately, those dealing with addiction must be more mindful of drug combinations since prescriptions can interact with opioids and cause…

pregnant woman seated on her bed holding her swollen belly wondering what are the risks of taking Rivotril during pregnancy

What Are the Risks of Taking Rivotril During Pregnancy?

Rivotril is a brand name for the benzodiazepine clonazepam. In the U.S., this same medication is known under a different brand name: Klonopin. Any guide to Rivotril abuse and addiction will include a range of potential risks to your health. Some of these risks are associated with pregnancy. Under limited circumstances, pregnant women may take…