young woman huddled on her couch with her face buried in a pillow wondering how to handle panic attacks and anxiety from alcohol withdrawal

How to Handle Panic Attacks and Anxiety from Alcohol Withdrawal

It is quite common to have a co-occurring mental health condition alongside a substance use disorder. In fact, anxiety and panic attacks are often associated with withdrawal symptoms once someone stops using an addictive substance like alcohol. Anxiety disorders can be very disruptive and hinder the path to recovery. Panic attacks and anxiety from alcohol…

woman nervously fidgeting with her hands wondering can I use Rivotril for anxiety?

Can I Use Rivotril for Anxiety?

Rivotril is a trademarked form of clonazepam, one of the many prescription medications classified as benzodiazepines. In America, the same medication is better known under a second trademarked name: Klonopin. Clonazepam is most commonly used as a treatment for seizure disorders. However, your doctor may also prescribe it to you if you’re affected by certain…