anxous looking woman sitting on her bed wondering what is wet brain and how to avoid it?

What Is Wet Brain (Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome) and How to Avoid It

Alcohol addiction can impact your health in many negative ways. One of these is Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome or wet brain. This syndrome can damage several areas of the brain and disrupt cognitive and bodily functions. Severe cases of alcohol addiction can lead to wet brain. If you—or a loved one—are battling an alcohol use disorder (AUD),…

a woman sits sadly on the floor dealing with signs of alcoholism in women

24 Dangerous Signs of Alcoholism in Women

It’s essential to know the signs of alcoholism in women if you suspect someone you love is in trouble. The problem is more significant than you might think. There are an estimated 15 million individuals living with alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the U.S. Women makeup about 4.6 million of that number. Women who are…

therapist explaining to female client why blacking out from alcohol as a female is dangerous

Why Blacking Out from Alcohol as a Female Is Dangerous

When you seek women’s alcohol addiction treatment, you gain access to a wide range of gender-specific health benefits. Many of these benefits center on the relief of your alcoholism symptoms. However, effective treatment can also protect you from other forms of drinking-related harm. One such harm is consuming enough alcohol to experience a blackout. For…