Addiction Recovery Resources in Applewood, CO
Drug and alcohol addiction recovery in Applewood, CO is available for anyone who needs it.
You have many options to suit your lifestyle. This includes both inpatient and outpatient services. It’s important to seek out a program that will suit your needs and offer you the full spectrum of recovery services.
You can also find free resources such as AA and NA to get the support you need from others in recovery. Support for families is available through groups such as Al-Anon and Alateen. We’ve put this addiction recovery guide together in order to help those seeking help quickly. Bare in mind that meetings change time and location sometimes, so make sure to the meeting location for details. If you are unsure of where to start in your recovery journey contact us today.
Our Closest Facility
The nearest outpatient female treatment facility is in Denver, which is just an 18 minute drive from Applewood.
Our newest facility is Summit Women’s Recovery in Dillon, CO. It is a 1 hour, 15 minute drive from Applewood.
AA Meetings in Applewood. CO
The Applewood, CO area offers several options for AA meetings weekly.
12:00 PM
Beginner’s AA Meeting
10576 W. Alameda Ave. #2
Lakewood, CO
7:30 PM
14099 W. Jewell Ave.
Lakewood, CO
NA Meetings Applewood, CO
SMART Recovery Meetings near Applewood, CO
The closest SMART Recovery meeting to Applewood is in Arvada, CO.
7:00 pm
5280 Wadsworth Bypass
Arvada, Colorado
Applewood, CO Detox Programs
Detox is a necessary part of any addiction recovery program,. How you go about it will depend on a few things. If you have a severe, long term addiction, you should consider an inpatient detox program. This gives you the support you need around the clock. Detox can also be dangerous in some cases so having your vitals monitored through the withdrawal phase may be necessary.
When you stop using drugs or alcohol, it causes withdrawal symptoms of varying degrees. While you could attempt to detox at home, it can be hazardous to your health and most likely after some days of suffering, you’ll relapse. If you go through an outpatient addiction program, they can refer you to a detox facility or they may have the service available. The detox process can take up to 1 week where you’re feeling the most intense symptoms. After that, they will start to taper off and you’re better prepared for dealing with addiction therapy.
Inpatient Rehabilitation
There are just 3 addiction rehab centers in Applewood, CO. However, there are many more in the neighbouring areas nearby. Inpatient rehab programs offer a high level of care but require you to stay in the facility for up to 28 days. This can be challenging for women who can’t take time off work or who have a family who relies on them.
Inpatient rehab offers you personalized programs designed for your specific needs. As you’re in a residential setting with no outside influences, you’re less likely to be triggered. You can focus on your recovery without disruption. A program like this is recommended, especially for those who have complex disorders like a co-occuring disorder. As great as these programs are, they can be quite costly. You have to pay for your food and accommodation on top of the services they offer such as therapy and addiction education.
Outpatient Rehab Programs
There are just a few outpatient programs in Applewood but you have some high quality facilities nearby. Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) designed specifically for women is just an 18 minute drive. We have another location that is just an hour away if you are looking to seek out a facility that is further from home. These programs are a good middle way if you want high quality treatment and excellent support but can’t commit to a 28 inpatient rehab program.
You do have access to normal outpatient programs but this isn’t suggested if you haven’t been through rehab in the past. They will often be run by your local church or government. You can also freely attend AA or NA meetings in Applewood for more support. You are not going to get the same quality treatment or care as you might with inpatient programs or IOP in Applewood.
Intensive Outpatient Programs offer similar services that an inpatient program does. You will have a program that is tailored just for you. You have the opportunity to speak to therapists one-on-one as well as attend group support meetings. You will have access to resources such as exercise and health services. This can be anything from meditation to learning more about nutrition. All of this helps you on your journey to recovery. The benefit to an IOP in Applewood is that it costs less and you can still maintain your lifestyle while getting all the support you need.
At Women’s Recovery, you are welcomed into a community of women in our gender specific program. As men and women differ in their reasons for addiction and how they recover, this can give you a leg up on your recovery. As we get even more specific in why addiction happened and how you can heal from it, it allows for a greater chance of a full recovery. We offer high quality treatments for women that have been scientifically proven effective. It takes just 10 hours of your time per week and we can work around your schedule.
Addiction Help Near Applewood, CO is Available
Women’s Recovery has facilities in Denver and Dillon. We offer Intensive Outpatient Programs for Applewood residents, helping women to recover from addiction. Our caring, experienced staff will help you every step of the way. We offer free assessments by phone that can help you decide if you, or someone you love might have an addiction. We can help you figure out what your insurance will cover as well. You have a welcoming, compassionate community ready to help. Contact us today.