Addiction Recovery Resources in Wheat Ridge, CO
If you, or someone you know have a problem with drug or alcohol addiction, know that there are inpatient and outpatient services available, and free AA and NA meetings in and around Wheat Ridge, CO are available. There is a recovery program for anyone suffering from addiction.
Addiction recovery begins with detox and then on to rehab, which will involve addiction treatment. It doesn’t end there though. Once you’ve completed rehab, there should be an aftercare plan that’s set in motion. This will include resources in Wheat Ridge like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Not only that, your family will have access to groups like Al-Anon and Alateen. This helps them to understand your disease and support you. This is an important part of recovery for the long term.
This addiction recovery resource page for Wheat Ridge will help you figure out where to turn and what to expect.
Our Closest Facility
Our new addiction outpatient facility, Summit Women’s Recovery in Dillon, CO is nearby. It is a 1 hour and 15 minute drive from Wheat Ridge.
An even closer option is our all womens’ outpatient treatment facility in Denver. It’s an 18 minute drive from Wheat Ridge, CO.
SMART Recovery Meetings near Wheat Ridge, CO
The closest SMART Recovery meeting to Wheat Ridge is in Arvada, CO.
7:00 pm
5280 Wadsworth Bypass
Arvada, Colorado
Wheat Ridge, CO Detox Programs
The first thing you’ll do when it comes to recovery will be detox. This may be at home on your own or with support from a professional detox facility. It is the process of ridding the body of toxins. You stop using the substance of abuse and this usually results in withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms widely vary from uncomfortable to a health risk to yourself. Your chances of successfully detoxing will be increased when you choose to go with professional detox. They often last up to 7 days, which is when the most acute symptoms will occur.
If you’re attending inpatient rehab, they will include inpatient detox. An outpatient addiction program in Wheat Ridge, CO will be able to refer you to a detox clinic if they don’t have their own.
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Wheat Ridge has a few inpatient rehab programs available and there are many more around the area. What you get with a program like this is an immersive experience with 24/7 support. You stay in a residential setting and receive hours of therapy and education every day. The standard time frame for a program like this is 28 days. You have a program tailored for your needs and the therapy you receive will be based on an assessment you take when you go through admissions.
Being away from home is a benefit for some who can take the time away. Your cravings can’t be met. Instead, you have the support you need to work through them. The triggers that might have caused you to use or drink in the past aren’t as prevalent either. You just focus on your recovery.
Yes, there are many good reasons to attend inpatient rehab. The problem is it may not work for every person. You may not be able to take that much time away from your life or you might not have the financial means. Inpatient rehab is the most expensive option. You may be partially or fully covered by your insurance company.
Outpatient Rehab Programs
You will find a handful of outpatient services in Wheat Ridge, CO. There are a few different types of programs. The outpatient program for addiction doesn’t usually give you the necessary support you need if you’re just starting out with recovery. Although it is the cheapest option (or sometimes even free), you are at the highest risk of relapse.
An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in Wheat Ridge may be more suitable for you. You get similar quality treatment that you’d find with inpatient programs but they cost less and you have more freedom. Freedom to work, be with your family, and meeting your obligations in life. At our Intensive Outpatient Program, we offer a gender specific experience for women. We make sure we work with your schedule so you can still do what you need to while getting essential quality care.
You see counselors one-on-one, get nutritional information, exercise regimes and addiction education. You’ll also be able to attend peer group meetings and gain support from a female community. An Intensive Outpatient Program like ours gives you high quality treatment with the ability to maintain your life. These programs cost much less than inpatient rehab and they’re more likely to be covered partially or in full by your insurance company. You can verify your insurance with us today.
Addiction Help Near Wheat Ridge, CO is Available
Women’s Recovery has two facilities in Colorado to help women with addiction recovery. There is one in Denver, CO as well as in Dillon, CO. They are Intensive Outpatient Programs specifically for women. This is important because you get different treatment based on different reasons for addiction and how substances affect you. This allows us to further pinpoint the underlying reasons of why addiction occurred in the first place. Our knowledgeable and caring staff are available to answer any of your inquiries. So contact us today and let us know how we can help.